Instagram reels video download

What is the maximum duration for Instagram Reel? How to download Instagram Reels videos from a private account?

What is the maximum video file size of Instagram Reels? What is Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels lets users share short 60 second videos on the platform

Instagram Reels lets users share short 60 second Instagram reels video download videos on the platform

Instagram Reels was introduced in August 2020 after the government of India banned the popular short video sharing app, TikTok. Initially launched with just a 15-second window,

Instagram soon extended it to 30 seconds and more recently to 60 seconds. Through this, content creators can record short, fun videos just like TikTok, complete with audio, effects, and new creative tools.

Users can choose any music from the Instagram music library, AR effects, timers, countdown, align, and video speed to create unique short videos. Additionally,

the Facebook-owned social media platform has created a whole new space for Reels within the app, where users can head to check the creative and fun videos posted by other creators.

Why is Instagram Reels so popular?

After the launch of Instagram Reels, the app download went up by 11.4 percent in India and the average time spent on the app increased by 3.5 percent.

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